All content included within the website, text and images, are copyright of Scottish Badgers, with the exception of some images kindly donated by ScotlandBigPicture and Polly Pullar. Contents of this site are not to be copied or distributed in such a way that does not give due recognition to the original authors (Scottish Badgers) or used for commercial purposes. Our logo must not be copied or used without explicit permission. You are welcome to link to material on our website so long as suitable credit is given in the link title. Any of our downloads can be used for personal use or private study, but must in no way be copied, replicated or distributed without acceptable credit and explicit permission.
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The information on this website has been provided as general information only. Scottish Badgers cannot accept responsibility for any losses as a result of reliance placed on any of the information provided. Any information on the Scottish Badgers website is updated accordingly, but make no warranty as to the accuracy of contents.
Scottish Badgers website contains a number of hyperlinks to external websites. This is done to provide further information and in good faith, and Scottish Badgers are not responsible for the function or content of these websites. If there are any issues with hyperlinks not working, please do notify us by emailing