©Scotland: The Big Picture
©Scotland: The Big Picture
©Scotland: The Big Picture

Welcome to Scottish Badgers

Scottish Badgers brings together individuals and groups from across Scotland to promote the study, conservation and protection of Scotland’s badgers, their setts and natural habitats.  Together we seek to encourage tolerance and appreciation of badgers by offering information, advice and guidance to all.

Scottish Badgers is the only charity dedicated to the study, conservation and protection of badgers that operates in Scotland.

All About Badgers

So what is a badger, what do they eat, and where can they be found? Have you had a badger turn up in your garden and start digging, and aren’t sure what to do?

Our Information Hub has all you need to learn more about badgers in Scotland.

Be Involved

Scottish Badgers works to protect badgers, their setts and natural habitats. Badgers face multiple threats in the modern world, whether it be through high numbers of road casualties, deliberate badger persecution, or sett damage as a result of development, forestry and agricultural works. We do all this with a small but dedicated team of volunteers and contractors.

Want to help? Sending records of sightings, whether in your garden or dead at the side of the road, all help in learning about their populations and distributions.

Earn Your Stripes

Earn your Stripes – building skills to champion wildlife’ is a skills development project in partnership with the Scottish Wildlife Trust, supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Through a series of sessions from wildlife tracking to practical conservation and championing wildlife, young people develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to help them thrive in work and life. 


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